Unpacking the unpleasant FIN7 gift: PackXOR

14 min


In early July 2024, the Sentinel Labs researchers released an extensive article1 about “FIN7 reboot” tooling, notably introducing “AvNeutralizer”, an anti-EDR tool. This tool has been found in the wild as a packed payload.

In this article, we offer a thorough analysis of the associated private packer that we named “PackXOR”, as well as an unpacking tool. Additionally, while investigating the packer usage, we determined that PackXOR might not be exclusively leveraged by FIN7.


AvNeutralizer and FIN7

In order to disable EDR (Endpoint Detection and Response) software, AvNeutralizer (also called “AuKill”) relies on vulnerable drivers to terminate EDR related processes from the kernel.

According to Sentinel Labs researchers, AvNeutralizer has been sold since 2022 on “underground” forums such as xss[.]is, exploit[.]in and “RAMP” by individuals they link with high confidence to the “FIN7” cluster.

Sentinel Labs states that AvNeutralizer can be delivered to targets as a packed or unprotected payload since April 2023, as part of ransomware operations from various threat actors.

Sentinel Labs also notices that “the packer code is identical across various usages, suggesting that FIN7 provides a shared obfuscator to their buyers within the AvNeutralizer bundle”1.

However, we discovered that PackXOR, the packer for AvNeutralizer, was also used to protect unrelated payloads, such as the “XMRig”2 cryptominer or XMRig + the “R77 rootkit”3, which were additionally obfuscated with the open-source “SilentCryptoMiner”4.

The use of XMRig does not match the known FIN7 TTPs (Tactics, techniques, and procedures). While the packer could still have been used on XMRig payloads to test if it is detected by some security products, we believe such hypothesis is not consistent with the additional use of the SilentCryptoMiner obfuscator.

PackXOR developers might indeed be connected to the FIN7 cluster, but the packer appears to be used for activities that are not related to FIN7.

A catch-up session to packers

In malware analysis, a “packer” is a tool which is used to compress, encrypt, and/or obfuscate a “payload” (which will often be a malicious code).

Packers wrap the original malicious code in “packed data”, and produce a “packed binary” as a result. This packed binary needs to “unpack” packed data before the the payload can be executed:

Figure 1 - Packing workflow
Figure 1 – Packing workflow

Packers’ products often contain a decryption stub, which is a small piece of code that is executed first when the packed binary is executed. This stub decrypts and/or decompresses the malicious code (packed data) into its original form, allowing it to execute.

Figure 2 - Unpacking workflow
Figure 2 – Unpacking workflow

The aim of packing is to hinder the work of malware analysts and antivirus/EDR software, by concealing payloads and delaying their detection.


Packer logic

Packed data which is produced by the PackXOR packer is structured in 2 sections (see Fig. 3):

  • A 40 bytes header that contains:
    • XOR key 1, a XOR key used for a first iteration,
    • the compressed size of the packed payload,
    • the uncompressed size of the packed data,
    • XOR key 2, a XOR key used for a second iteration
  • a packed payload.

This packed data is usually found at the begining of the PE .data section.

Figure 3 - Data structure of the packed content
Figure 3 – Data structure of the packed content

In order to conceal the packed payload, and as explained in the Sentinel Labs article1, the packed binary implements (see Fig. 4):

  1. A first XOR iteration (with XOR key 1) on LZNT1 compressed data,
  2. A decompression of LZNT1 data,
  3. A second XOR iteration (with XOR key 2) on the decompressed data.
Figure 4 - Unpacking code
Figure 4 – Unpacking code

In a function of the packer that we called Get_and_Call_RtlDecompressBuffer during our analysis, we can see one example of a call to a strings decryption function decrypt_API_DLL_names (see Fig. 5). This strings decryption function is described next.

Figure 5 - Call to the "decrypt_api_DLL_names" function
Figure 5 – Call to the “decrypt_api_DLL_names” function

Strings encryption

The packed binary leverages “Run-Time Dynamic Linking” 5 for some specific Windows API functions that it needs to use. The associated required DLLs and Windows API functions names are “encrypted” strings in the packer.

Strings are decrypted just before usage6 by a dedicated function that we called decrypt_API_DLL_name. The “encryption”7 is implemented using XOR and substraction operations for each byte of a given string (a string being ASCII-encoded):

Figure 6 - Strings encryption function
Figure 6 – Strings encryption function

Encrypted strings are stored in “data blobs” which match a specific layout:

Figure 7 - Structure of a blob for an encrypted string
Figure 7 – Structure of a blob for an encrypted string

The first byte of the blob (in red) is the XOR key which is used for the byte by byte “encryption”.

The second byte (in green) contains the string length in bytes. Between the string length and the first byte of the encrypted string, 3 bytes are unused.

In the packed binary, encrypted data blobs are stored one after the others. The color code used is the same that the one in the illustration below. The non-colored bytes are unused:

Figure 8 - Encrypted data blobs in the packer
Figure 8 – Encrypted data blobs in the packer

As an example, let’s decrypt the last encrypted data blob that is shown in the screenshot above (see Fig. 8). Here, the XOR key is 0x7C. If we follow the “decryption” routine and for each byte of the data blob, we need to: XOR the byte with the key, then substract the current byte position index (in data blob) minus 1 to the result.

((13 xor 7C) - 0) - 1 = 6F - 1 = 6E = n
((0A xor 7C) - 1) - 1 = 75 - 1 = 74 = t
((1B xor 7C) - 2) - 1 = 65 - 1 = 64 = d
((0C xor 7C) - 3) - 1 = 6D - 1 = 6C = l
((0D xor 7C) - 4) - 1 = 6D - 1 = 6C = l
((48 xor 7C) - 5) - 1 = 2F - 1 = 2E = .
((17 xor 7C) - 6) - 1 = 65 - 1 = 64 = d
((08 xor 7C) - 7) - 1 = 6D - 1 = 6C = l
((09 xor 7C) - 8) - 1 = 6D - 1 = 6C = l

The XOR key is different for almost every string in a given binary sample, and changes with every sample. Changing the XOR keys between strings and samples increase the odds of bypassing a static analysis.

PackXOR usage

During our research, we could identify 4 different additional payloads (other than AvNeutralizer) that we believe with medium to high confidence were packed with PackXOR, because the unpacking code is identical in all samples.

Three of the identified samples drop the XMRig2 cryptominer or XMRig + the R77 rootkit3. Between those final payloads and PackXOR-produced code, we discovered a second and sometimes third layer of obfuscation (see Fig. 9):

  • some payloads (SHA-256 e3505901fd44c8f6597ca9c512375b6ecbf3dc21dbae3d373318c99929d62091 and b86612a6d62a1789031248bdb732b8bff51acaeaa687c3559f0980560a8abf2f) were packed with the open-source SilentCryptoMiner4 obfuscator ,
  • a payload (SHA-256 cf1d985a33b39d332d4bac33d971a004dcd18cea82ff1b291c6a5046e073414d) which was obfuscated with SilentCryptoMiner was additionnally obfuscated with a “commercial” packing tool (Hidden Malware Builder8).
Figure 9 - Layers of obfuscation
Figure 9 – Layers of obfuscation

One of the packed binary samples we identified (SHA-256 632b068e1b8fbc54eb0b30f01455c73396deb5f8e3bbd3b171fb69b6936a6019) dropped another type of payload, which is very similar to a data exfiltration tool that was documented in an article from ReversingLab in 20219.


According to Sentinel Labs and following our own research, it appears PackXOR is used by different ransomware operators, and to pack different tools. As a result we thought that providing an unpacker could be of use to the cybersecurity community.

We developed one which can be downloaded from our Github repository.

usage: [-h] [--file FILE] [--offset OFFSET]

Unpacker for PackXOR

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --file FILE      Packed PackXOR Malware
  --offset OFFSET  Optional. Offset of the packed header (in hexadecimal). No prefix (0x, x, etc)

If you already know the offset of the packed data structure header in the binary you want to unpack, you can pass it directly with the --offset argument.

$ python --file 050637.exe --offset 1a00
XOR key for first iteration : 0x1f
XOR key for second iteration : 0x4f
Size of compressed data (in bytes): 62958
Size of uncompressed data (in bytes): 80896
Unpacking SUCCESS
Unpacked file available in 050637_unpacked.exe

However, if you don’t have time or don’t want to reverse the binary to find such offset, no worries! Without --offset, the script will try to automatically the header offset and unpack the data.

$ python --file 050637.exe
Offset header not provided as an argument. Trying to find it anyway.
Packer header found
XOR key for first iteration : 0x1f
XOR key for second iteration : 0x4f
Size of compressed data (in bytes): 62958
Size of uncompressed data (in bytes): 80896
Unpacking SUCCESS
Unpacked file available in 050637_unpacked.exe


Indicators of compromise (IOCs)

Associated IOCs are also available on our GitHub repository.

Hashes (SHA-256)

cf1d985a33b39d332d4bac33d971a004dcd18cea82ff1b291c6a5046e073414d|XMRig (packed with: PackXOR+Hidden Malware Builder+SilentCryptoMiner)
e3505901fd44c8f6597ca9c512375b6ecbf3dc21dbae3d373318c99929d62091|XMRig (packed with: PackXOR+SilentCryptoMiner)
b86612a6d62a1789031248bdb732b8bff51acaeaa687c3559f0980560a8abf2f|XMRig+R77 (packed with: PackXOR+SilentCryptoMiner)
dcc7fd38fced82cc04cb6fa0d189d2924163494e542f6c516e6588c110ab7554|Data exfiltrator/bot (packed with: PackXOR)
40a8ffc5bbcb3befc90f269e32ab96b3ff32768f1fc0317a00f86f9b1161cdeb|XMRig+R77 (packed with: SilentCryptoMiner)
42ca0d62a9516cbf4a1ffcd9097d2f2c3b135f82b1c07adf586ef5b23ce96197|XMRig (packed with: Hidden Malware Builder+SilentCryptoMiner)
1428e14c9c86e8f068e37efc11190ee16f2cdb9bc808308c5450389ee2893c10|XMRig (packed with: SilentCryptoMiner)
632b068e1b8fbc54eb0b30f01455c73396deb5f8e3bbd3b171fb69b6936a6019|Data exfiltrator/bot

Yara rule

rule PackXOR
        description = "Detection rule for PackXOR"
        references = ""
        hash = "0506372e2c2b6646c539ac5a08265dd66d0da58a25545e444c25b9a02f8d9a44"
        date = "2024-08-05"
        author = "Harfanglab"
        context = "file"
        $s_packer_xor = {
            4? 63 [3]                       // movsxd  rax, dword [rsp+0x50 {var_78}]
            4? 8b [2-6]                     // mov     rcx, qword [rsp+0xd0 {arg_8}]
            4? 8b [2-6]                     // mov     rcx, qword [rcx+0x8]
            4? 0? [2]                       // add     rax, qword [rcx+0x50]
            4? 8d [5]                       // lea     rcx, [rel data_140003020]
            0f (b6|b7) [1-5]                // movzx   eax, byte [rcx+rax]
            0f (b6|b7) [1-5]                // movzx   ecx, byte [rel data_14002399c]
            4? 8b [2-6]                     // mov     rdx, qword [rsp+0xd0 {arg_8}]
            4? 8b [2-6]                     // mov     rdx, qword [rdx+0x8]
            4? 0? [2]                       // add     rcx, qword [rdx+0x68]
            0f (b6|b7) [1-5]                // movzx   ecx, cl
            33 ??                           // xor     eax, ecx
            4? 63 [3]                       // movsxd  rcx, dword [rsp+0x50 {var_78}]
            4? 8b [2-6]                     // mov     rdx, qword [rsp+0xd0 {arg_8}]
            4? 8b [2-6]                     // mov     rdx, qword [rdx+0x8]
            4? 0? [2]                       // add     rcx, qword [rdx+0x48]
            4? 8d [5]                       // lea     rdx, [rel data_140003020]
            88 04 0a                        // mov     byte [rdx+rcx], al
            0f (b6|b7)                      // movzx   eax, byte [rel data_14000301e]
        $s_packer_decrypt_conf = {
            8b [1-3]            // mov     eax, dword [rsp+0x4 {i}]
            ff ??               // inc     eax
            89 [1-3]            // mov     dword [rsp+0x4 {i}], eax
            0f b6 [1-3]         // movzx   eax, byte [rsp {var_128}]
            39 [1-3]            // cmp     dword [rsp+0x4 {i}], eax
            73 ??               // jae     0x140001d59
            8b [1-3]            // mov     eax, dword [rsp+0x4 {i}]
            83 ?? 05            // add     eax, 0x5
            8b ??               // mov     eax, eax
            4? 8b [2-6]         // mov     rcx, qword [rsp+0x130 {arg_8}]
            0f be [1-3]         // movsx   eax, byte [rcx+rax]
            85 ??               // test    eax, eax
            74 ??               // je      0x140001d40
            0f b6 [1-3]         // movzx   eax, byte [rsp+0x2 {var_126}]
            8b [3]              // mov     ecx, dword [rsp+0x4 {i}]
            83 ?? 05            // add     ecx, 0x5
            8b ??               // mov     ecx, ecx
            4? 8b [4-6]         // mov     rdx, qword [rsp+0x130 {arg_8}]
            0f (be|bf) [1-3]    // movsx   ecx, byte [rdx+rcx]
            33 ??               // xor     eax, ecx
            2b [1-3]            // sub     eax, dword [rsp+0x4 {i}]
            ff ??               // dec     eax
            8b [1-3]            // mov     ecx, dword [rsp+0x4 {i}]
            88 [1-3]            // mov     byte [rsp+rcx+0x20 {var_108}], al
            eb ??               // jmp     0x140001d57
            b8 01 00 00 00      // mov     eax, 0x1
            4? 6b ?? 00         // imul    rax, rax, 0x0
            4? 8b [4-6]         // mov     rcx, qword [rsp+0x130 {arg_8}]
            c6 [1-3] 00         // mov     byte [rcx+rax], 0x0
            eb ??               // jmp     0x140001d59
            eb                  // jmp     0x140001ce7
        $s_packer_find_entry_point = {
            4? 63 [1-4]             // movsxd  rax, dword [rsp {var_38_1}]
            4? 3b [1-4]             // cmp     rax, qword [rsp+0x20 {var_18_1}]
            73 ??                   // jae     0x140001c7f
            48 8b [1-4]             // mov     rax, qword [rsp+0x10 {var_28_1}]
            0f b7 [1-4]             // movzx   eax, word [rax]
            c1 ?? 0c                // sar     eax, 0xc
            83 ?? 0a                // cmp     eax, 0xa
            75 ??                   // jne     0x140001c7d
            4? 8b [1-4]             // mov     rax, qword [rsp+0x8 {var_30}]
            8b [1-4]                // mov     eax, dword [rax]
            4? 03 [1-4]             // add     rax, qword [rsp+0x40 {arg_8}]
            4? 8b [1-4]             // mov     rcx, qword [rsp+0x10 {var_28_1}]
            0f b7 [1-4]             // movzx   ecx, word [rcx]
            81 ?? ff 0f 00 00       // and     ecx, 0xfff
            4? 63 [1-4]             // movsxd  rcx, ecx
            4? 03 [1-4]             // add     rax, rcx
            4? 89 [1-4]             // mov     qword [rsp+0x18 {var_20_1}], rax
            4? 8b [1-4]             // mov     rax, qword [rsp+0x18 {var_20_1}]
            4? 8b [1-4]             // mov     rax, qword [rax]
            4? 03 [1-4]             // add     rax, qword [rsp+0x50 {arg_18}]
            4? 8b [1-4]             // mov     rcx, qword [rsp+0x18 {var_20_1}]
            4? 89 [1-4]             // mov     qword [rcx], rax
            eb 93                   // jmp     0x140001c12
        $s_packer_find_entry_point_rtlcreateuserthtread = {
            4? 8b [1-4]                // mov     rax, qword [rsp+0x70 {var_58_1}]
            8b [1-4]                   // mov     eax, dword [rax+0x28]
            4? 03 [1-4]                // add     rax, qword [rsp+0x68 {var_60_1}]
            4? 89 [2-6]                // mov     qword [rsp+0x88 {var_40_1}], rax
            ff [2-6]                   // call    qword [rsp+0x88 {var_40_1}]
            4? 8d [2-6]                // lea     rax, [rsp+0x9c {var_2c}]
            4? 89 [1-4]                // mov     qword [rsp+0x48 {var_80_1}], rax {var_2c}
            4? 8d [2-6]                // lea     rax, [rsp+0xb8 {var_10}]
            4? 89 [1-4]                // mov     qword [rsp+0x40 {var_88_1}], rax {var_10}
            4? c7 [3-7]                // mov     qword [rsp+0x38 {var_90}], 0x0
            4? 8b [2-6]                // mov     rax, qword [rsp+0x88 {var_40_1}]
            4? 89 [1-4]                // mov     qword [rsp+0x30 {var_98_1}], rax
            4? c7 [3-7]                // mov     qword [rsp+0x28 {var_a0}], 0x0
            4? c7 [3-7 ]               // mov     qword [rsp+0x20 {var_a8}], 0x0
            4? 33 ??                   // xor     r9d, r9d  {0x0}
            4? ?? 01                   // mov     r8b, 0x1
            33 ??                      // xor     edx, edx  {0x0}
            4? c? ?? ff ff ff ff       // mov     rcx, 0xffffffffffffffff
            ff                         // call    qword [rsp+0xa0 {var_28_1}]
        $s_packer_string_encryption = {
            0f B? [1-2]      // movzx   eax, [rsp+128h+size_string]
            39 [1-3]         // cmp     [rsp+128h+var_124], eax
            73 ??            // jnb     short loc_140001CC9
            8B [1-3]         // mov     eax, [rsp+128h+var_124]
            83 ?? 05         // add     eax, 5
            8B ??            // mov     eax, eax
            4? 8B [1-6]      // mov     rcx, [rsp+128h+arg_0]
            0F B? [1-2]      // movsx   eax, byte ptr [rcx+rax]
            85 ??            // test    eax, eax
            74 ??            // jz      short loc_140001CB0
            0f B? [1-3]      // movzx   eax, [rsp+128h+key]
            8B [1-3]         // mov     ecx, [rsp+128h+var_124]
            83 ?? 05         // add     ecx, 5
            8B ??            // mov     ecx, ecx
            4? 8B [1-6]      // mov     rdx, [rsp+128h+arg_0]
            0F B? [1-2]      // movsx   ecx, byte ptr [rdx+rcx]
            33 ??            // xor     eax, ecx
            2B [1-3]         // sub     eax, [rsp+128h+var_124]
            FF ??            // dec     eax
            8B [1-3]         // mov     ecx, [rsp+128h+var_124]
            88 [1-3]         // mov     [rsp+rcx+128h+decrypted_string], al
            EB               // jmp     short loc_140001CC7
        uint16(0) == 0x5A4D
        and uint32(uint32(0x3C)) == 0x00004550
        and filesize < 20MB
        2 of ($s_packer*)





  5. Run-time dynamic linking is a way to load DLLs (Dynamic Link Library) and import functions from them only when needed, rather than at the executable startup. This process involves the Windows API functions GetModuleHandle, LoadLibrary, and GetProcAddress. Malware often uses Run-time dynamic linking in order to evade detection from static analysis tools.  

  6. Strings are “decrypted” just before usage in LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress functions. 


